Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Monthsarry

Back when I was in my high school days, I am always this “guy-of-many-allegorically-uttered-thoughts”. Most of my friends say that I am deeply profound, that my thoughts were like dug from the graveyard of grieves, and sufferings, happiness and pain.

Before, I actually don’t write most of my thoughts, I just say them in front of those who knows how to listen. I also dreamt of having my own book which I wrote but I was then a struggling writer. As far as I could remember, I know that I have written so many poems but I cant recall where on earth have I placed them. (Not now! see how the technology helped me, I can now keep my articles =) ..)

Before, my only readers are my friends and classmates. They are the only one’s who knows how to appreciate my write-ups but now, many people can read it and maybe somehow will try to picture themselves inside of each written words. I know that I cant please everyone to appreciate what I can offer, the write-ups, which are ought to open those people blinded by pain because I, for once, passed through that. Some of the criticisms I get just passes through into my left ear then into the right but was merely absorbed. I, personally, take them as a constructive criticism.

This day is something that is to be proud of (for me). It is something that is to be celebrated. At last! I’ve written articles and were able to share it with people (who read my blog ^_^). I have to celebrate this because it is my first month here in blogosphere. I never thought that I would accomplish anything such as this.

Though there are times that my thoughts are not spontaneous and though they are quite abstruse, writing lighten up the heavy load I carry. It is where my inner thoughts are loudly spoken by words. I will continue writing as possibly as I could because it is a relief at some point. I would continue writing (fingers crossed) because it is a part of my system that when if its gone, I cant function as a whole,


lucas said...

frustratedging really writer din ako...and blogging really helps me in developing my writing skills. a year from now, look back to your previous posts and you'll see what i mean :)

yeah..RN nako. passed the board last june 2008. goodluck on your studies.

Anonymous said...

you're damn good and you know that.

thanks for sharing your stories and isnpiring us with your writings.

bata ka pa at marami pang panahon para ma enhance mo yan.

ayos ba?night shift ako.wahhhhh

Anonymous said...

padaan ulit.hehe

night shift ako sa office..magbebreak na in two minutes.
